District Office Directory

District Office Directory


ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ City Unified School District
5735 47th Avenue
ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ, CA  95824

District Office/ Operator
Phone: (916) 643-7400

Below is our directory of district offices, departments and programs. 


Department Quick Link

Phone: (916) 643-7994
Fax: (916) 399-2041
Box 758/767
Department Quick Link

Phone: (916) 643-9409
Fax: (916) 399-2060
Box 763
Department Quick Link

Health Benefits

Phone: (916) 643-7906 - Billie Johnson
Phone: (916) 643-7908 - Maria Colmenares
Fax: (916) 399-2071
Box 840
Department Quick Link

Human Resource Services

Phone: (916) 643-9050
Testing Center Office: (916) 643-7455
Fingerprinting Office: (916) 643-9050
Fax (916) 399-2016
Box 770
Department Quick Link

Phone: (916) 277-6715
Fax: (916) 277-6521
Box 810
Department Quick Link

(916) 643-7996
Department Quick Link

(916) 643-9298